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Rocío means "morning dew." I share the wisdom of the earth and spirit, emphasizing that we are "all one." I believe in one creatot known by a thousand names who works withbeverything thatvhas been created. Titles are not important, but my elders call me a paqowarmi. I am known for espiritismo, curanderismo and practices which are mainky Peruvian. Meshica and African based. These invlude shadow work, spiritual activations, and ancestral ceremonies to assist you remember who you truly are and bring back joy into your life.
We are all different versions of light and dark on this journey we call life.
My personal experience spans over 50 years, including teachings from various instructors in Peruvian, African, and Mexica traditions, as well as insights gained from my own family, who are healers and mystics on both sides. In my life here in the western world, my public experience in serving others is over 20 years. I also work as a Special Education teacher, which has been my calling in this lifetime.
I am simply Rocío.
Peruvian Mysticism involves working with the Earth and Spirit. Andean practices are the closest spiritual practice to Buddhism and are also a way of living, not a religion. It is a way of sharing love, wisdom, and practices that help you to heal the soul at its roots. Curanderismo is a practice involving working with the elements, animals, and plant kingdom as well as prayer or purely prayer. Chamanismo or Shamanism is similar to Curanderismo but heavily works the unseen realm through ritual, plant medicine, and more.
"Curar" means to cure. The curandero/a is a person of wisdom and knowledge who uses folk healing. Curanderismo originates from Mayan, Inca, and Aztec traditions of belief systems and practices that incorporate the physical, mental, and spiritual. Lack of balance or harmony is believed to cause illness, and the curandero can address this through various practices and rituals. These practices may vary from practitioner to practitioner, as colonization has resulted in a blending of cultures and beliefs, including Catholic prayer, mediumship, and espiritismo (Spiritism). My blood lineage includes Peruvian, Mexica (Meshica), and African traditions. I utilize traditional indigenous healing systems to support and complement contemporary medical treatments.
I meet everyone where they are at. It is important for us to meet prior to any work to see if we are in alignment with each other. Please message for your free video chat to see if we are aligned with each other first.
We are "...all one" as my father taught me. As we are all human, even the most trained and elevated masters have had to work through emotions and physical situations. There is no judgment no matter what your situation. Everything remains private here between us and the spiritual. I am here to support you.
Everyone has an opportunity to do work. With changes in the world, it is important to share love with everyone in Ayni. If you are having difficulty financially, I will assist you through a simple exchange. You must first commit to a video chat to see if our energy is aligned. Let's work together!